Collini App

Work order information per app: From contacting the closest galvanisation plant to transmitting work orders and receiving updates about the status of an order - for this and more, there is the Collini app.

Three smartphones with Collini app screens

Planning customers work orders has always been challenging for Collini, Eruope’s leading company in surface technology. The app we have developed for Collini helps the company to master this challenge. The app simplifies communication significantly by ensuring cotinuous contact with authorized customers. Customers can send in their work orders and receive updates on the status of their orders anytime through the app, which makes the cooperation between Collinin and its customers easy and flexible.

As a company working with surface technology we found in bluesource a partner who understands our ideas correctly and implements them professionally in a customer-app. We consider ourselves pioneers and the app allows us to digitize this industry.
Martin Hofbauer, Corporate SCM & Logistics, Collini Dienstleistungs GmbH

Before Collini collects the goods from its customers‘ companies (mainly metal workers, steel workers and similar), these send in their work orders along with pictures and information about the measurements of shipments. This facilitates planning when to collect the goods and generally all activities of the galvanizing plant. Drivers used to not know what to expect in terms of size and kind of parts they were going to collect, but now this has changed thanks to the app. Now they can better plan which routes and types of trucks they need for the load, which saves them, resources and it’s environmental friendly.

The new Collini app is not bound to a place or specific working hours and this is an advantage for both the company and ist customers. Accessing contacts, pictures and work order is now much easier and faster. Customers save up paper and time, as they don’t need to fill out any delivery notes. Recurring work orders can be copied. And while the goods undergo their galvanizing processes in the plant, customers receive updates about the status of their orders.


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