Banks & Insurances
When it comes to money, trust plays a very decisive role. As an experienced app developer for banks and insurance companies, we know the challenges in the development of finance apps, banking apps, insurance apps and FinTech apps and know how to master them successfully.
Safety and quality are crucial
App development for banks and insurance companies is about meeting the needs of app users as well as the security and quality requirements that are crucial in the financial sector.
App development with experience
Mobile banking apps and digital solutions in the insurance sector are being used by more and more users. With our customer loyalty platform mobile-pocket, we have gained years of experience in the areas of banking wallets, mobile payments and customer loyalty. We use all this experience to develop your app for the banking and insurance sectors.
ISO-certified with certainty
Trust is good, iso certification is better. That's why we are certified as an app developer according to ISO 27001. This means that we not only demonstrate the highest security standards and professional IT security management according to globally recognised standards, but also meet all your relevant security and quality requirements.